Middle and Elementary School Students - Varsity Football Game Logistics Please see the attached letter that outlines expectations for elementary and middle school students who attend Spartan Varsity Football games.
CARPOOL REMINDER At the request of West Hempfield Presbyterian Church: they are offering their large lot below the church for parking. The front church circle is limited to church and Preschool business only. Please refrain from parking in the front circle for the entire 2022/2023 school year. As you can understand, the staff, contractors, deliveries, and emergency vehicles need access to the church.Thank you for your cooperation!
Voluntary Online Educational Resources We want to provide resources and activities intended to help our students stay engaged during the closure. These assignments and activities will be focused on review and enrichment for all students, and will be tailored to individual grade levels, kindergarten through grade 5. This material is not meant to replace in-person classroom instruction. Assignments and activities completed during the closure will not be graded.
Kindergarten Registration Now Open! Registration for the 2022-2023 school year opens March 16th, 2022.Please click here for a letter to parents including a link to get started.
Headlining Hempfield Spring Edition 2022 Watch your mailbox for the latest edition! Click here to view online now!